Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ross & DD's Haul

Saturdays shopping at Ross and DD's. I got 3 pairs of shoes and a few more shirts for summer. It's been really hot and my A/C is down. I try to stay cool inside using the fan but not helping at all. A/C wont get fix til Monday. I cant wait..  =_='' 

 DPN Collection $8.99
Brown flip flop with black flower rhinestone.
 Wild Diva $12.99
Black 2 inch heel with ruffle and beads pin on the front.
Sweet Beauty $10.99
Black 2 inch heel with bow on the side. 
 Haters make me famous tee $5.99
 Green shades mix with Pink stars tank top $3.99

I love the saving of these shirts!
= ^_^ =